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Artificial Intelligence

A* Pathfinding [Tech Demo]

This is a tech demo showing off an A* pathfinding algorithm that uses a dynamically sizeable grid. This was coded entirely in C++ using OpenGL to facilitate graphics rendering.

Hill-climbing & Simulated Annealing [Tech Demo]

This is a tech demo showing off an a hill-climbing & simulated annealing algorithm to find the brightest star in a star-field. This was coded entirely in C++ using OpenGL to facilitate graphics rendering.


Genetic Algorithm [Tech Demo]

This is a tech demo showing off using a genetic algorithm to figure out the best place and power to drop a bomb on a population of robots, it will try to maximize bad bot casualties whilst minimizing good bot casualties. This was coded entirely in C++ using OpenGL to facilitate graphics rendering.


Tic Tac Toe [Game]

This is a Tic Tac Toe game where the player plays against an AI that can never be beaten. This uses a mini-max tree to plan out every possible move by the player, and then uses it to figure out the best move to take when in a game. This was coded entirely in C++ using OpenGL to facilitate graphics rendering.

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